This Is Recruiting

This Is Recruiting is a Podcast by HackerEarth bringing together industry experts from around the world to share their stories and insights, helping you stay ahead of the hiring curve.

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Friday Dec 02, 2022

Joel Lalgee, Lead Recruiter at Hirewell and top influencer for recruiters on LinkedIn, joins us at HackerEarth for a podcast that will show you:
How to create and promote compelling content to attract talent 
The strategy to creating an inbound recruiting framework using social media
How to leverage marketing efforts while building a recruitment strategy
And so much more!

Friday Dec 02, 2022

Tejal Wagadia, Sourcing Recruiter and one of LinkedIn's Top Voice for Recruiters teaches you about:
How to calculate the ROI of your diversity hiring program.
Sourcing neurodiverse candidates across channels.
Tips for creating a more accommodative workplace culture.
And so much more! 

Monday Nov 28, 2022

As an organization, if you’re struggling with retention, attraction, engagement and experience, it may be time to revisit and revamp your employer brand. And we're here to help!In this Episode we’re speaking with Valerie Vadala, the Global Head of Talent Acquisition at Shutterstock, to help you create a winning branding strategy that communicates your company's leadership, values, and culture.


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